From Survival To Recovery: Growing Up in an Alcoholic Home


Al-Anon adult children tell their stories. Explores the long-term effects of being raised with alcoholism, and why Al-Anon can help. Indexed. 303 pages.

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Many of us in Al‑Anon grew up in families affected by alcoholism. However, we do not always recognize the part this disease played in shaping us into the individuals we are today. Not suspecting that the experiences we had as children affect us as adults, is it any wonder we are bewildered if we find that our lives today are unmanageable?

Through the honest sharings of Al‑Anon members who as children experienced the alcoholism of others, we come to see ourselves more clearly. Despite the often severe hurt and abuse they endured, each individual held tightly to the hope so essential to recovery. We all have family histories that include embarrassing and even devastating events. Fortunately, the experience, strength, and hope of our fellowship expressed on these pages can help us to explore our own roots and lead us to new heights of recovery.

For many of us, facing the past can be extremely difficult and painful. Al‑Anon is a gentle program and recovery is a gradual process. We learn in Al‑Anon to proceed at our own pace. If reading this book feels overwhelming at times, it is alright to take a break and give ourselves the time we need to absorb what others have shared. Talking with a Sponsor or another trusted Al‑Anon member about the feelings we uncover can help prepare us to come back refreshed and ready to continue reading.

With the help of Al‑Anon, if we are persistent in facing our truths, we can find hope. We don’t have to do it all at once, and we don’t have to do it all alone.

Additional information

Weight 15.68 oz
Dimensions 8.3 × 5.7 × 1 in

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